Bloggfęrslur mįnašarins, september 2010
Žrišjudagur, 21. september 2010
Hvernig markašsstjóri ert žś? - Algjör snilld :)
Mįnudagur, 20. september 2010
MMR segir aš viš séum įnęgš (žrįtt fyrir allt!)
Föstudagur, 17. september 2010
Faršu rólega ķ aš fullyrša um framtķšina! Nokkur fyndin dęmi...
Mark Twain sagši, It is not what we dont know that gets us into trouble; it is what we think we know for sure. Margir miklir hugsušir hafa veriš mjög stašfastir ķ trś sinni į framtķšina. Hér eru nokkur klassķsk dęmu um mikla menn sem voru ekki alveg meš žaš:
- Simon Newcomb (1835-1909), the leading US astronomer of his time and a professor of astronomy and mathematics, declared that flight by heavier-than-air objects was completely impossible. After the Wright brothers made their first flights he still claimed that airplanes were impractical and worthless.
- Ernst Werner von Siemens (1816-1892), the great German engineer who developed the telegraph industry and founded the company bearing his name, declared, Electric light will never take the place of gas.
- Lord Kelvin (1824-1907) was a distinguished British mathematician and physicist who developed the law of conservation of energy. The Kelvin scale of absolute temperature is named after him. He scoffed at the idea of radio and stated, Radio has no future. He also said, X-rays will prove to be a hoax.
- H.G. Wells (1866-1946) the eminent British author and one of the first science fiction writers said in 1902, I refuse to see any sort of submarine doing anything except suffocating its crew and floundering at sea.
- General Douglas Haig (1861 -1928) the commander of the British Army in WWI said in 1914 of the machine gun, Make no mistake, this weapon will change absolutely nothing.
- In 1927, H.M Warner of Warner Brothers asked, Who the hell wants to hear actors talk?
- Dr Albert Einstein said in 1932, There is not the slightest indication that nuclear energy will ever be obtainable.
- Rex Lambert, Editor of The Listener, wrote in 1936, Television wont matter in your lifetime or mine.
- Don Rowe was the director of Decca Records who turned down the Beatles. He said to their promoter, Brian Epstein, We dont like your boys sound. Groups of guitarists are on the way out.
- Ken Olson, CEO of DEC said in 1977, There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home.
Sigur ķ samkeppni | Breytt 16.9.2010 kl. 20:55 | Slóš | Facebook
Fimmtudagur, 16. september 2010
Af hverju vill fólk frekar versla viš Build-a-Bear, Starbucks og Apple ?
Pine og Gilmore segja ķ bók sinni The Experience Economy aš ķ dag verši fyrirtęki aš bjóša minnistęša og einstaka upplifun til aš sigra ķ samkeppninni:
- If you charge for suff, then you are in the commodity business
- If you charge for tangible things, then you are in the goods business
- If you charge for the activities you perform, then you are in the service business
- If you charge for the time customers spend with you, then and only then are you in the experience business
Starbucks og Apple eru mjög góš dęmi um fyrirtęki sem fara eftir pęlingum žeirra félaga. Build-a-bear er en annaš frįbęrt dęmi. Ég bloggaši um Build-a-bear fyrir ekki svo löngu, en vegna upplifunarinnar sem žeir skapa, er mašur tilbśinn til aš greiša mun hęrra verš fyrir bangsa hjį žeim.
Lęt myndband meš Joe Pine fylgja meš (sem ég hef reyndar įšur postaš)
Mišvikudagur, 15. september 2010
Hvernig bjargar mašur starfinu sķnu ķ kreppu?
Žrišjudagur, 14. september 2010
iPad og iPhone er ekkert miša viš žessa skjįi framtķšarinnar!
Žetta er nokkuš funky sżn į framtķšina!
Tölvur og tękni | Breytt 13.9.2010 kl. 20:15 | Slóš | Facebook
Žrišjudagur, 14. september 2010
Mjög skemmtileg herferš frį Old-Spice !
Mįnudagur, 13. september 2010
Svona virkar Google Instant - nżja śtgįfan af leitarvélinni (VIDEO)
Föstudagur, 10. september 2010
Google Instant - uppfęrsla į leitarvélinni ķ vikunni - mikil breyting!
Markašssetning į netinu | Breytt s.d. kl. 09:14 | Slóš | Facebook
Föstudagur, 10. september 2010