Hernando de Soto / Karl Marx

Endurvinnsla į bloggum er ekki leti...mįlsnilld er tķmalaus og į sannleikanum žarf aš tönnlast...svo hann nįi örugglega allstašar ķ gegn. Hernando De Soto er merkilegur mašur...

skrifaš 2003

,,The law” sagši Karl Marx ,,is the means by which powerful people protect their interests.” Ég var aš lesa bók eftir Hernando De Soto ,,The Mystery of the Capital”.  De Soto fer ķ bókinni yfir nokkrar įstęšur žess aš kapķtalismi hefur ekki veriš aš virka ķ žrišjaheimslöndum og fyrrum kommśnistarķkjum lķkt og ķ okkar heimshluta.  Nišurstašan er ķ fullkomnu samręmi viš tilvitnunina ķ Marx hér aš ofan.  Lagakerfi žessara landa er ekki aš taka tillit til fįtękasta hópsins sem neyšist aš starfa fyrir utan hinn löglega markaš.  Bókin er svo mögnuš og žęr uppgötvanir  sem De Soto og félagar komust aš viš rannsóknir sķnar aš ég mį til meš aš fjalla ašeins um hana.   

 Śr Bókinni:

 ,,IMAGINE a country where nobody can identify who owns what, addresses cannot be easily verified, people cannot be made to pay their debts, resources cannot conveniently be turned into money, ownership cannot be divided into shares, descriptions of assets are not standardized and cannot be easily compared, and the rules that govern property vary from neighborhood to neighborhood or even from street to street. You have just put yourself into the life of a developing country or former communist nation; more precisely, you have imagined life for 80 percent of its population, which is marked off as sharply from its Westernized elite as black and white South Africans were once separated by apartheid. “

De Soto og félagar hafa skošaš hversu miklar eignir žrišjaheimslönd eiga sem standa fyrir utan hagkerfin žeirra.  Žeir komust aš žvķ aš lagakerfi žessara landa eru svo flókinn, óašgengileg og eignarétturinn illa varinn aš žaš er mun ,,ódżrara” fyrir fįtękustu žegnanna aš standa fyrir utan lögin og starfa ólöglega en löglega. 

Nokkrar uppgötvanir:

  • Žeir opnušu litla fataverslun rétt fyrir utan Lima.  Hópur De Soto žurfti aš eyša 6 klst į dag ķ 289 daga til aš fį öll tilskilinn leyfi til aš opna verslunina og starfa löglega.
  • Til aš fį öll tilskilinn leyfi ķ Perś til aš byggja hśs į lóš ķ rķkiseign tók 6 įr og 11 mįnuši.
  • Tķminn sem žaš tók žį aš eignast löglega land į Haiti var 19 įr en ekki einu sinni žį var aš fullu ljóst aš öll lagalegu atriši vęri į hreinu.

Hvernig į blįfįtękt fólk, sem er stęrsti hluti žegna žrišjaheimslanda, aš hafa efni į žvķ aš standa ķ allri žessari skriffinnsku lķkt og sést į dęmunum hér aš ofan?  Svariš er einfalt žaš hefur žaš ekki svo žaš stofnar fyrirtęki og byggir sér heimili ólöglega.  Žaš žżšir hins vegar aš eignirnar eru, eins og De Soto kallaš žęr, ,,Dead-Capital”.   Ekki er hęgt aš nota eignirnar sem tryggingu fyrir lįni eša skuld, fjįrmagna rekstur meš auknu hlutafé né selja hann įn žess aš fį sama og ekkert fyrir žvķ hvergi er til bókstafur um žaš ķ lagakerfi landsins aš viškomandi į viškomandi fjįrmagn. Sem sagt fólk hefur eitt miklum tķma og fjįrmagni ķ hśsnęši, fyrirtęki eša önnur vinnutęki sem enginn į tilkall til!

Fleiri stašreyndir aš lokum (nenni ekki aš žżša žęr):

  • In Peru, 53 percent of city dwellers and 81 percent of people in the countryside live in extralegal dwellings!
  • In Haiti, untitled rural and urban real estate holdings are four times the total of all the assets of all the legally operating companies in Haiti, nine times the value of all assets owned by the government, and 158 times the value of all foreign direct investment in Haiti's recorded history to 1995
  • The value of the real estate held but not legally owned by the poor of the Third World and former communist nations is at least $9.3 trillion which is twice as much as the total circulating U.S. money supply. It is nearly as much as the total value of all the companies listed on the main stock exchanges of the world's twenty most developed countries: New York, Tokyo, London, Frankfurt, Toronto, Paris, Milan, the NASDAQ, and a dozen others. It is more than twenty times the total direct foreign investment into all Third World and former communist countries in the ten years after 1989, forty-six times as much as all the World Bank loans of the past three decades, and ninety-three times as much as all development assistance from all advanced countries to the Third World in the same period. 
  •  For every one hundred homes built in Peru, only about thirty have legal title; seventy have been built extralegally.  
  • Throughout Latin America, we found that at least six out of eight buildings were in the undercapitalized sector and that 80 percent of all real estate was held outside the law. According to most estimates, the extralegal sectors in the developing world account for 50 percent to 75 percent of all working people and are responsible for one-fifth to more than two-thirds of the total economic output of the Third World.
  • So my colleagues and I decided to set up a two-sewing machine garment factory in a Lima shantytown. To experience the process from the point of view of the poor, we used a stopwatch to measure the amount of time a typical entrepreneur in Lima would have to spend to get through the red tape. We discovered that to become legal took more than 300 days, working 6 hours a day. The cost: 32 times the monthly minimum wage.
  • We performed a similar experiment to find out what it would take for a person living in an extralegal housing settlement, whose permanence the government had already acknowledged, to acquire legal title to a home. To receive approval from only the municipality of Lima just one of the eleven government agencies involved took 728 bureaucratic steps.

Hér aš lokum er hér vištal viš žennan gešžekka hagfręšing,

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Mjög įhugavert Bśinn aš „bśkkmarka“ sķšuna. Haltu žessu góša starfi įfram.

Óli. (HĶ bekkjarbróšir)

Ólafur Unnar Kristjįnsson (IP-tala skrįš) 21.2.2008 kl. 11:45


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