Funky Business

funkyVar að klára uppfærða útg. af Funky Business eftir sköllóttu Svíana tvo.  Bókin er ferlega skemmtileg og nær svo sannarlega að ýta við manni hvað varðar breyttan heim.


Síðasta málsgreinin í bókinni summerar hana mjög vel:

"People expect good stuff. They have become used to great value for money.  And they can get that from almost all companies around the world.  So being great is no longer good enough.  To Succeed we have to surprise people.  We have to attract and addict them.  Attraction and attention is all.  By focusing only on the hardcore aspects of business we risk becoming irrelevant. And trust us, irrelevancy is a much greater problem than inefficiency.  The only thing more difficult than learning to exploit the last taboo of emotion and imagination is learning to thrive without it.  So, people and organisations of the world - come out. Or you will be carried out!"

Algjör snilld - og já, Tokyo eftir 3 daga

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