Peter Drucker og Frederick Webster um hvað við Markaðsstjórarnir eigum að vera gera

Markaðsstjórar á Íslandi eru mjög uppteknir af einu ,,P-i" = Promotion.  Þeir gleyma því hins vegar að á undan P-unum kemur markaðsstefnan  STP (Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning). Þar á eftir koma 4 P, en ekki aðeins 1 (promotion).  P-in eru Price, Place, Product, Promotion.  Promotional P-ið gerir lítið gagn ef STP og hin P-in eru ekki rétt stillt.
Ég held mikið uppá þessar tilvitnanir í Webster og Drucker: 
Frederick E. Webster:
,, At the corporate level, marketing managers have a critical role to play as advocates for the customers and for a set of values and beliefs that put the customers first in the firm's decision making, and to communicate the value proposition as part of that culture throughout the organization, both internally and in its multiple relationships and alliances" 
Peter F . Drucker:
,,Marketing is so basic that it cannot be considered a separate function (i.e. a separate skill or work) within the business, on par with other such manufacturing or personnel.  Marketing requires separate work and a distinct group of activities.  But it is, first, a central dimension of the entire business.  It is the whole business seen from the point of view of its final result, that is, from the customer’s point of view”.

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