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Working backwards from the answer makes a straight line to the company itself. Your values strongly influence what consumers get out of a product--your vision, purpose, beliefs and even your dream.

When I'm in Westerly, R.I., I shop at Sandy's Fine Foods. They have the answer printed on their grocery bags: "We are family, and our customers always sit at the head of the table."  A crisis is when true values can point the way, starting with an open, honest assessment of the facts. I learned  this important lesson from turnaround situations, particularly from my time at Kayser-Roth and Saatchi & Saatchi
parent Cordiant Plc.

With the current state of the economy, we are all in a turnaround situation.  What is your inspirational dream? Saatchi & Saatchi, where I am chairman, has had a dream for over a decade "to be revered as a hothouse for world-changing ideas that create sustainable growth for clients."

Walt Disney said: "We don't make movies to make money. We make money to make more movies." These are dreams that speak to priceless value!

Forbes - Maí Marketers Need To Reframe Value To Create Loyalty

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